
The Things That Hurt a Sex Life

For a lot of people getting them to talk about sex can be as difficult as asking a woman to reveal her true age. A mother in response to a question from her kid about he/she comes to this world either keeps quiet or on further pestering from her child will tell him/her that he/she came out from her arm pit. Such behavior towards sex can only breed ignorance and lead to certain negative sexual outcomes such as unwanted teenage pregnancies. Keeping silent about sex also allows us to perpetuate certain commonly known but untrue sex ideas. If you are looking for ways to improve your sexual communication skills, keep a look out for these common obstacles to good sexual communication.

(1) Wrongly held sex beliefs

Such beliefs are a great barrier to effective sexual communication. Some of us are being misled into believing that great lovers are experts in reading minds not in communicating. Failure to have an open communication with your spouse can only perpetuate misunderstandings of each other's sexual needs.

(2) Fears about sex

Fears of sexual rejection, fears of being embarrassed if you are frank about your sexual desires are also obstacles to good sexual communication. This can make it difficult for all of us to talk about sex honestly with the people around us.

(3) Viewing sex negatively

Some people are brought up with certain beliefs like sex is dirty, sex is something immoral and when you talk about sex with them, and they find it very offensive. These beliefs act as a strong deterrent to talking about sex.

(4) Difficulty in expressing

There are some people who find it hard to talk about sex because they do not know the words to express what they want to say. Having a basic sexual vocabulary can make it easier to talk about sex.

(5) Lacking space and time

Busy with kids, busy with jobs, living in cramp conditions can make talking about sex difficult. In reality, most people can adapt and learn to make the best out of their situations and constraints. If you can plan for a space and time such as when kids are asleep, it will make your sexual communication go a little bit smoother.

(6) Refusing to talk about sex

This can only breed hard feelings and damage relationship if your partner behaves in this manner. It can be of help if you can visit a relationship counselor or family therapist to seek his/her advice and to explore some solutions and options. Even if your partner is unwilling to go with you for these counseling sessions, you can still benefit in certain ways.

(7) Insufficient information about sex

Lacking basic information on sexual matters presents another barrier to good sexual communication. When you do not have any idea about sex, it can be difficult in how to start a conversation on it. Lacking basic sexual information also makes talking about sex all the more scary that can foster feelings of fear and letting certain negative beliefs stay in our minds.

If you do not want the lack of information from affecting your love life and if you are keen to get more ideas to spice up your sex life, you can read on more from Sexy Talking and Kinky Ideas.

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