Sex could be stressful. It is something which could bring emotional problems, especially to women. Common dilemmas revolve around lack of orgasm, sexual pain or physical insecurities; and studies have long been able to prove such claims. However, professionals whose expertise is on sex psychology have also stated that the biggest emotional problem women face is the lack or loss of sexual desires.
Scientifically termed as the Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, it is characterized by the sudden disinterest in having sexual desires or doing sexual activities. The case could be general (total lack of sexual interest) or situational (due to the disinterest in the partner or other factors), and acquired (one used to have normal sexual urges) or lifelong (there was never a time that one gets interested with sex).
Such disorder does not have a specific group of women to take its toll on. It could affect just anybody from 18 years old to 49 years old and beyond. Studies show that 30% of the aforementioned population is affected and the numbers can increase dramatically when women reaches the menopausal stage.
However, it has to be understood that hypoactive sexual desire disorder is not measured by how often a woman can have sexual intercourse. It is of the same case as how men start to feel the loss of sexual desire in women. To better understand, the lack or loss of interest in having sex or mere fantasies will only be classified as a disorder once it affects the emotional state of a woman and bring her stress and depression.
As this is a combination of psychological and emotional problem, it cannot be cured by mere taking of pills. Experts are yet to come up with a counterpart of Viagra for women, anyway. Thus, medical measures are most likely to be applied.
So how to increase desires? Medical studies have discovered several ways to bring back the usual sexual urges of women afflicted by hypoactive sexual desire disorder. The most suggested is the hormone replacement therapy which is considered the most appropriate remedy. However, some types of it could generate breast cancers, heart diseases and stroke.
It is for this reason why other methods are developed to increase or bring back sexual desires of women. Some are as follows:
‧ Coming to a sexual psychologist for counselling could be a very effective technique to bring back the lost sexual desires. Most of the time, it involves both parties in the relationship as both may be affected by the hypoactive sexual desire disorder of one.
‧ Since medicines could affect the estrogen production of women, it affects the sexual desires as well. Thus, a change on the medication or an alteration on the dosage may somehow create a difference. However, this has to be approved by a physician.
‧ As for those who are already in the menopausal stage and are having problems due to vaginal dryness, vaginal creams may be used.
‧ Sexual pain may be a reason why the sexual interest of a woman decreases. To get over the pain, a surgical treatment to remove whatever it is that causes pain inside may be suggested.
The aforementioned treatments are medically suggested and are proven to be of help to regain the lost interests of women on sex. But truth be told, having to go to some doctors for treatments could be a very, very daunting activity - not just to the physical body but to the pocket as well. Medical attention requires financial leniency so it is indeed a problem. Yes, seeking professional attention is definitely the most suggested idea but one can somehow pass through the problem without shedding tons of money for medical reasons.
So how to increase sexual desires on one's own? Here are a few tips:
‧ Eat aphrodisiacs. Aphrodisiacs are food which enhances the sexual desire of a woman because of its nutritional contents. These foods are said to raise the testosterone levels of a person, therefore increasing the sexual desire.
‧ Get physical! Spending at least thirty minutes of exercise every day may help in increasing the sexual desires of women. Simple jogging, stretching and cardio exercises may gain back the interest in performing sexually.
‧ Bring back the romance. The loss of sexual desire may be due to the fast-paced life a couple have been living with. So it is advisable that they reach out to each other and rekindle the passion that they once had for each other.
To have desires is a common thing as it is an integral part of being human; and being a woman is being human. Thus, efforts must be exerted to bring it back for a happy and exciting life.
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